Welcome to JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step - JazzSkills For Piano

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This is new and exciting!  I have created a new series of standalone lessons.  These lessons will deal with playing ideas for specific tunes and/or jazz piano styles.

Choose the lesson below that you have ordered.  You can find access to the JMC:SBS lessons on the top menu.  You will then have access to the specific lesson(s) that you have ordered.  If you ordered a Free Trial Subscription, you will have three days to study the lesson.  If you paid $14.95, then you will have three months to study the lesson.

Just to mention:  These lessons are usually more advanced.  They will assume that you have some basic knowledge of jazz theory and jazz tunes.  If you need more knowledge, consider subscribing to my extensive online jazz piano course, JazzSkills for Piano.  This course is specifically designed to take you “from Here to There . . .”.

To access the JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step lesson that you subscribed find the lesson in the menu above:  JMC:SBS Lessons.

You also will have access to all JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step lessons if you are a  Subscriber to JazzSkills for Piano.

JazzSkills for Piano has over 200 teaching videos, downloadable PDFs, The Private Lesson Blog, text, JMC:SBS Lessons and much more.  This course is great . . . and it works!  You can check it out and receive “Four Free Videos” at jazzskillsforpiano.com.

If you have any questions regarding studying any of the lessons, please email me at martan@jazzskillsforpiano.com.  I’d love to hear from you.


–Martan 🙂

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