Bass Lines for Piano
This is an excellent exercise to help musicians develop bass lines for piano. It uses the Cycle of Fourths with comping and soloing. It’s not easy, but try it out!…
This is an excellent exercise to help musicians develop bass lines for piano. It uses the Cycle of Fourths with comping and soloing. It’s not easy, but try it out!…
Swing Groove Bass Lines and Melody 16-7-2 Developing Melody over Bass Lines: Practice on melodic rhythmic lick at a time. Clap out one rhythm. Play from chord to chord (over and over). Ask yourself: “How many ways can I play melodic notes over this rhythmic lick”? Play that rhythmic lick slowly around the Cycle of […]…
II V I Progression Alterations 10-5 This is where the II V I Progression study gets a lot more complicated. We can alter the II chord, V chord and I chord. Most of the alterations take place in the V chord. So start your study there. Play all of the alterations until you know each […]…
Seventh Chords Around the Cycle of Keys 4-1 Play each seventh chord around the Cycle of Keys, both in fourths and fifths directions. Also, play the sevenths up and down chromatically. Do this also in each inversion of the sevenths. …
Cycle of Keys with chords 3-1 Once you have mastered playing “up four/down five” and “up five/down four” . . . then play this using major, minor, augmented and diminished triads in all inversions.…
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