THE deep study for the aspiring pianist
This method works: you will learn how to play jazz piano with my online lessons.

Martan Mann: Music Educator, Jazz Pianist, and Author
Martan Mann (MA in Classical Piano) has been performing jazz piano for over 50 years. He is also the author of "Jazz Improvisation for the Classical Pianist", "New Age Improvisation for the Classical Pianist" and "Improvising Blues Piano".
Receive Four Free Videos
We're giving you instant access to FOUR FREE SAMPLE VIDEO LESSONS.
JazzSkills for Piano and JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step are in-depth jazz piano courses, which contain much more than these samples.
Here is what's included in these FREE JazzSkills for Piano and JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step sample videos:
- Video 1: Pachelbel Canon Improv (Classical-style Improv)
- Video 2: Improvising Boogie Woogie
- Video 3: Stride Blues for the Jazz Pianist
- Video 4: Giant Steps for the Jazz Pianist (Advanced Jazz Improv)

Two Ways To Study

JazzSkills For Piano®
Welcome to JazzSkills for Piano. This is Martan Mann's complete course in developing jazz piano. This course is offered on a month-by-month subscription. You can study as long as you like.
No fooling . . . this is the most effective method to become a jazz pianist. This is NOT a simplified quick & easy approach. It is a deep consistent carefully planned method of learning how to play jazz piano to develop the actual skills which will enable you to comfortably and creatively improvise jazz. These lessons literally take you from . . . here to there.
We start at the beginning with classical improvisation and move toward advanced jazz study. In this method you are given specific lessons activities and information to place in your subconscious. Each small step is learned completely. It is the subconscious which does the work. Eventually it’s the subconscious which does all the playing! You develop your jazz piano skills step by step at your own pace. You have the joy of playing jazz! This method works: you will learn how to play jazz piano with my online lessons.
We offer Four Free Videos to give you an idea of the structure and flow of the lessons.
Let’s get started!

JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step are individual lessons by Martan Mann. These lessons are available for three-month subscription. All the Step-by-Step lessons are included with JazzSkills for Piano.
- Learning Giant Steps for the Jazz Pianist
- Modal Improv for the Jazz Pianist
- Learning Stride Blues for the Jazz Pianist
- Pachelbel Improv
- Learning Boogie Woogie
- Preparing to Play in All Keys
- Preparing to Learn a Tune
- HymnSkills: Developing Hymn Improvisation
- Pentatonics for Pianists: Developing Beginning Improv
Let's get started!
- Learn all scales, arpeggios and modes
- Learn triads, sevenths, open voicings and jazz chords
- Develop beginning principles of improvisation
- Learn the Cycle of Keys
- Learn to play the Blues in different styles
- Develop different jazz styles
- Learn how to create a tune chart for deep learning
- Use Progressions
- Learn Groove Tunes
- Develop soloing skills
- Improve your groove, rhythm and time
- Develop bass lines
- Develop your OWN piano style
- and much more . . . . . .

“Martan is a great musician whose deep love of music comes through in everything he does. You can learn a lot from this Mann!"
Steve Wilson
Music Professor, Cabrillo College

Get All Jazz Study Materials
JazzSkills for Piano® | JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step®

Get Your Free Videos NOW
You'll get four sample video lessons to preview. With Martan's lessons, you'll learn how to play jazz piano step-by-step. These videos will give you a quick idea of Martan's teaching. All these lessons are organized, accessible and achievable.
Martan's JazzSkills for Piano Course Works!

Learn How to Play Jazz Piano
“Martan Mann’s video series is the super-impressive unveiling of a mysterious, multi-layered subject: how to play jazz piano. Step by step, he demonstrates each aspect, building in sequence from the simplest foundation to the most sophisticated level of playing, making this one of the most thoroughly thought-out approaches to jazz study. Students of all levels will benefit, and it shouldn’t only be pianists who use this--Mann’s wisdom will apply to any instrument.”
Jeffrey Chappell
Director of Jazz Studies, Goucher College Founder, Music Everybody Seminars

A Course for the Serious, Aspiring Jazz Pianist.
“Playing Piano has always been an avocation of mine. I love playing popular Jazz Standards as well as creating original music. What has helped me in my quest for self improvement, was my discovery of Martan Mann’s incredible array of piano videos that appeared on YouTube. What I learned from these videos opened up my eyes and ears to the kind of possibilities that would allow me to elevate my piano skills to a new level of professionalism that I could only previously hope for. It appears that Martan has now incorporated his videos into a comprehensive internet course called “JazzSkills for Piano” which is sure to be a Godsend for the serious, aspiring Jazz Pianist.”
Shelly Dubow
LA Pianist

I'm So Impressed with Martan . . .
"Martan has an amazing depth of knowledge about jazz. He shares that knowledge effectively and in a logical sequence with his students, inspiring them to reach their goals as improvisers and jazz musicians. It isn't always an easy journey but he never tires of finding new ways to bring each student along to the next level of expertise. I highly recommend this course."
Diane Glazer
Music Educator, Music for Minors, San Francisco Bay Area