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Pentatonics for Pianists:
Developing Beginning Improv®
by Martan Mann
In this course you will learn a step-by-step process for developing beginning improvisation skills.
Welcome to Pentatonics for Pianists: Developing Beginning Improv®
Hi. My name is Martan Mann.
Pentatonic for Pianists is all about developing step-by-step pentatonic harmony in the “language center” of the brain. There is no time-limit to studying the steps. Each of these steps require making specific changes in the subconscious. It “takes-as-long-as-it-takes”. However, if you make a project of developing each step completely, you WILL see your “improv-abilities” improve. Just keep at it.
There are many books teaching pentatonics. However, most of them are for either guitarists or horn players. Pianists learn, finger, see and use pentatonics differently. This course is specifically designed to help pianists learn and use pentatonics.
Playing pentatonics is a wonderful approach to developing improvisation skills.
However, it is very difficult to create meaningful melodies using pentatonics. The reason is that there are no “leading tones” or half-steps. Leading tones create tension leading to another resolution tone. For example, if you play a Mode 1 Major Pentatonic, you are playing 1-2-3-5-6 of the Major Scale. This leaves out the 4 and 7, which is a flatted five interval called the tri-tone. The tri-tone creates the V7 to I resolution which is prevalent in the Major Scale. Without that resolution, it is difficult to create emotion in melodies. The pentatonic usually does not have 1/2 steps. This makes the melodic choices all sound bland, “cold” and uninteresting.
However, this also creates an opportunity for personal musical development. Since it is very difficult to create good, emotional melodies with pentatonics, you must be very choosy and careful in your choice of notes. This helps you to develop meaningful improvisations. If you can play meaningful melodies and improvisations using pentatonics, it will be much easier when you expand to using complete scales and modes.
Once these skills develop, all you need to do is add new modes and scales to your harmonic repertoire. Your playing will become more creative and personal to you. This course is specifically designed to work with your brain so that you can develop a superior ability to improvise music on the piano.
Let’s get started.
- Four Videos Which Describe Each Step
- Twenty Learning Steps
- PDF Music Examples
- Develop Improv Skills Using Pentatonics.
Pentatonics for Pianists® is available to study for a three-month subscription for 29.95.
You can order additional three-month subscriptions for 29.95.
We'd love to answer your questions:
Email: martan@musicmann.com
Phone: (408) 234-2364
Visit our website: http://www.musicmann.com