Preparing to Play in All Keys Information Page

Preparing to Play in All Keys®
by Martan Mann
You will learn a step-by-step process for developing the ability to play in all keys and learn a tune.
Hi. My name is Martan Mann.
Let me introduce you to my “Preparing Series”. Improvising jazz requires preparation not just information. I suggest that you prepare one step at a time. Do each step thoroughly until you forget about your hands.
This series currently has two lessons. The first is Preparing to Play in All Keys. The second is Preparing to Learn a Tune. I strongly suggest that you learn the Playing in All Keys before the lesson on Learning a Tune. There are 42 specific steps to compete the lessons. The goal is to be able to creatively develop any tune into your own style. I know you will enjoy these lessons.
Pianists: Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to think and create music in all keys?
This course is designed to prepare all pianists to easily and creatively improvise and compose in all keys. The secret is in learning step-by-step. that is the easy way you develop music in the subconscious. You will be given progressive exercises to learn intervals, modes and progressions in a step-by-step fashion. This is an organized and consistent way to develop the musical skill to think in all keys. Once this musical information is deeply placed in the subconscious, you will know the joy of creating music in all keys.
I know from my personal teaching that this method works. Give it a try.
Let’s get started.
- 12 Videos Which Describe Each Step
- 42 Learning Steps
- PDF Music Examples
- Learn Music Theory and Practice Techniques and More
Preparing to Play in All Keys is available to study for a three-month subscription for 29.95.
You can order additional three-month subscriptions for 29.95.
Preparing to Learn a Tune is available to study for a three-month subscription for 29.95.
You can order additional three-month subscriptions for 29.95.
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